Good Morning! Today is May 5, 2020! Happy Cinco de Mayo! Here are today's assignments:
Specials: Twisted Tuesday with Art
Lexia: at least 30 mins.
Freckle: Continue working on Language Arts & Math assignments: at least 30 mins.
*Something New*
Audible: Listen to children's books for free
Reading/Writing: Storyworksjr. (on Clever) Password: nestcoat2 (if needed)
Click: All issues & select "March/April 2020" Read: Water Bottles: Handy or Harmful?
Question: Should you buy bottled water? Write 3-4 paragraphs in which you state and support your opinion. Use facts from the article in order to support your opinion. Don't forget to have an introduction and a closing.
You can send me your writing in an email (, take a picture of it and send it on Dojo, or you can type it on 365 and share it from there, if you know how. I can't wait to see your writing! Due Tuesday, May 5
Brainpopjr: Prefixes
Measuring to the Nearest Quarter Inch (video lesson):
Boom Cards Assignments: Measuring to the Quarter inch (2 Boom card sets)
(password is your student #)