* Specials: Twisted Tuesday with Art
Zoom meeting 12:00-12:30
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74238558475?pwd=NlpKNFVEbkxUcmxMOGJyWHh5T2lOUT09 Password: 2020 *
*Zoom meeting for ESOL students with Ms. Thomas 1:00
Meeting ID: 957 3294 2077
Password: 026941 *
* We are working on a secret surprise for Mrs. Curry for International Principal's Day! You can do your part by making a video or poster thanking Mrs. Curry for all the hard work and love that she has shown us. Please send the video or the picture of your poster to Mrs. Ayres by April 29th. Here is Mrs. Ayres email address: gretchen.ayres@cobbk12.org *
Reading: Lexia or Raz-Kids (at least 30 mins.)
Freckle: Continue working on Language Arts & Math assignments (45 mins.)
Khan Academy: Punctuating a List (video)
Kan Academy: Practice: Punctuating Lists
Brainpopjr: Inches and Feet