Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020

Good Morning! I hope that everyone had a peaceful weekend.  Here are the assignments for Monday, April 20:

Specials: Music Monday

Spanish language video (Una Artista en la Familia)  (Code: Beetle62820)
enter code where it says assignment/roster
*Make sure to watch the video, so that you can complete tomorrow's writing activity.*

Personal Narrative Writing: Nearpod (Code: JUNVP)

Math: Measurement (Ounces, Pounds, and Tons)

*Ms. Thomas and Mr. McClennings assignments are for all students.*

Ms. Thomas' assignment (ESOL teacher): (Code:VNUQC)

From Mr. McClenning (EIP teacher):  Read my blog and post a comment to the page or email me with 3 things you learned about me and tell me three things I may not know about you.  Post in video form or a snap shot of writing or just type it.